1.Around the corner, Pete stopped for a moment, felt a terrible pain in his stomach, then fell to the sidewalk unconscious.
2.She felt a terrible pain at her heart as she considered all she had gone through, her strength fell away, and, overcome by pity for herself.
3.The next night she also slept, but when she awoke she had terrible pain and severe diarrhea. She was in an awful state.
4.If we don't do something about this, too many young people could grow up in terrible pain.
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6.When a wolf was eating an animal, a small bone from the meat got stuck in his throat. He could not swallow it, so he felt a terrible pain.
7."Ow! " he screamed, putting his right hand to his shoulder and bending over as though he were in terrible pain.
8.When I Was swinging my golf club. I suddenly felt a terrible pain and I haven't been able to move since.
9.But just in the middle of the river he felt a terrible pain and realised that, after all , the scorpion had stung him.
10.In the terrible pain and surprise of the moment , both my pistols went off and fell from my hands .